Nightmare come true‏


Soetoro and YOUR U.S. Constitution

What Soetoro wants to do with YOUR U.S. Constitutional Rights!

When it comes to RAMMING new gun control schemes into law, Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) believes he has some unfinished business to attend to.

But instead of standing up and FIGHTING BACK, I’m afraid some House Republicans could prove all too willing to “cut a deal.”

That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition below IMMEDIATELY.

As you’ll see, this petition DEMANDS your Congressman and Senators vote NO on the gun-grabbers’ Magazine Gun Ban Bill (H.R. 308) — or any similar bill.

If passed, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy’s (D-NY) Magazine Ban Bill would OUTLAW the sale or transfer of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds.

Already own a handgun, rifle or shotgun with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds?

You’re “legal” for now. But you can’t ever sell it, give it away or pass it down to your kids.

In fact, Congresswoman McCarthy’s bill would turn widows into instant FELONS if their late husbands possessed a 12-round magazine!

Take action now by signing your petition against H.R. 308 below.

Worse, some Capitol Hill insiders are telling me — should H.R. 308 reach the Senate — gun-grabbers are preparing to load the Magazine Ban Bill down with dozens of amendments, including the following:

*** Mandatory waiting periods and expensive, drawn-out “psychological screenings” designed to force ALL law-abiding citizens to get government approval before purchasing a firearm;

*** A TOTAL ban on all private sales under the guise of “closing the gun-show loophole”;

*** A new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

That’s why I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action.

You see, Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) knows this fall’s Presidential campaign is going to be a knock-down, drag-out FIGHT and the FRAUD voting is alot tighter than 2008, he may not even be on the ballads in 2012.

But he also knows many grassroots Republicans aren’t exactly “enthusiastic” about their candidates.

So even with his approval ratings hovering around all-time lows, Soetoro has a strong chance of winning another term — IF he can turn out his left-wing base this November.

That’s why, with gun control activists like Sarah Brady and Michael Bloomberg DEMANDING action, you can virtually guarantee Soetoro is going to do everything in his power to RAM H.R. 308 into law.

And sadly, I’m afraid some House Republicans will fall in line . . .

Remember, after the Arizona tragedy how several high-profile Republicans like U.S. Senator Dick Lugar (IN), Dick Cheney and Homeland Security Chairman Peter King (NY) all began pushing for new gun control schemes?

If Soetoro has the audacity to trot out a still-recovering Gabrielle Giffords before his pals in the anti-gun national media, do you really believe you can count on weak-kneed House Republicans to oppose H.R. 308?

Sure, some will. Perhaps even most House Republicans will vote to DEFEAT H.R. 308.

But Soetoro knows he won’t need every Republican vote. He just needs a handful to pass the McCarthy Magazine Ban.

Not only that, but with more and more news reports saying anti-gun Democrats could gain control of the U.S. House this November, many House Republicans are going to be afraid of losing their seats.

Under the white-hot spotlight of anti-gun media scrutiny, more than a few could end up thinking their very political survival depends on selling out and voting to pass H.R. 308!

The bad news is, support for H.R. 308 is gaining steam. In the House, it already has 111 House cosponsors!

Should this bill reach the Senate, all bets will be off.

That’s why your signed petition is so critical.

You see, the only way you and I can WIN this fight is to PROVE to Congress that passing H.R. 308 WILL mean political pain at the polls this November.

In short, we’ll send the message to Congress that they can either vote to DEFEAT H.R. 308 — or they can begin looking for another job.

So please sign the petition below. And if possible, chip in $10 or $20, as well.

Since Barry Soetoro was NOT sworn in, you and I have defied the odds and have beaten back the very worst of the gun-grabbers’ schemes.

But McCarthy’s Magazine Ban could be our toughest test yet.

For liberty and Justice,

P.S. With Republicans less than enthusiastic about their presidential candidates, Soetoro believes he can win reelection if he’s able to mobilize his left-wing base.

That’s made H.R. 308, Carolyn McCarthy’s Magazine Ban Bill, a TOP priority for Soetoro. He MUST rally his anti-gun supporters.

If passed, this legislation would OUTLAW the sale or transfer of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds, turning widows into instant FELONS if their late husbands possessed a 12-round magazine!

That’s why it’s vital you help STOP this dangerous scheme.

ILLEGAL ALIEN’s(aka Soetoros) Hostilities towards America Most Biblically-Hostile

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About The OFFICIAL Whiz

Honest, Wise, Intelligent, deep Common Sense So wished others were! Haters, hate the pure things in life, live under rocks because they can not live in the Light and thinking gives them a headache!
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